
About us

iWinWeekly and the website iWinWeekly.com are owned by a private company,We are constantly striving to give our members greater value – more prize money, more games and more excitement. Bringing alive a promise that “anyone can win money online”.

If you have any complaints or comments on the running of the lottery games, please address them to the lottery operator directly. Similarly, questions regarding lottery grants should be directed to the relevant governing body. But for queries and comments on this site, please feel free to contact us. We’ll do our best to help.


Results feed

iWinWeekly.com can provide an XML feed of lottery results for you to format as you please for a fixed monthly fee. Please contact us with details of your site (URL, unique visitors, Google ranking) to receive further details.


iWinWeekly.com Disclaimer

The information available at this site is solely for the use of players and prospective players in the United Kingdom. It is not intended to encourage participation in the national lottery by persons outside the United Kingdom. For the avoidance of doubt, such information does not constitute an offer or invitation on the part of iWinWeekly.com or any of their employees to any person to participate in the national lottery.

iWinWeekly.com is provided to you free of charge, “as is.” iWinWeekly.com uses its best efforts to maintain the site and the information contained herein, but is not responsible for the results of any defects that may be found to exist in iWinWeekly.com, or any lost profits or other consequential damages that may result from such defects. You should not assume that iWinWeekly.com is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.

Links and frames connecting this site with other sites are for convenience only and do not mean that iWinWeekly.com endorses or approves those other sites, their content or the people who run them.